We pulled the questionnaire from the society's website and did our best to imagine how the Donald may have answered, pulling direct quotes where possible, indicated by " ", everything else is fiction.
Readers are welcome to add Trumpisms that may apply.
Brief Description of the type of work you currently do:
I'm a brand guy. The name of the game is people knowing your name. People know my name. I am very successful.Primary Area of Practice:
Real Estate, mostly commercial.Other Areas of Practice/Interests:
Politics, Bankruptcy Law, Personal Finance, Social Media, GolfEthics and Transparency
Ethics and transparency are essential to professional practice and service on the board. How have you demonstrated ethics and transparency in the past? How will your own ethics and views on transparency influence your decisions and actions as a member of the SOA board?I am very transparent. Unlike Crooked Hillary.
"I think the only difference between me and the other candidates is that I'm more honest and my women are more beautiful."
As you review the responsibilities of the President Elect Job Description, the 2013-2016 Strategic Plan and 2016 Initiatives , describe how you will work together with the officers, board members, committee chairs, volunteers, executive director, and staff to fulfill your responsibilities as president-elect and advance the direction of the SOA.
Describe a recent situation where you have facilitated a diverse group of people in moving a significant project to the next stage of completion."Sometimes you need conflict in order to come up with a solution. Through weakness, oftentimes, you can't make the right sort of settlement, so I'm aggressive, but I also get things done, and in the end, everybody likes me."
I'll just make a little list: Trump Steaks, Trump University, several casinos, hotels and golf courses, and of course the Apprentice. Here are some of my nuggets on Leadership for you to enjoy.
As the president-elect you will act as an ambassador for the SOA, its members, and the profession. Provide examples of how you would fulfill this responsibility during your term of office and describe a current situation in which you have successfully acted as an ambassador for an organization or institution.“I know what I’m doing, and I listen to a lot of people, I talk to a lot of people, and at the appropriate time I’ll tell you who the people are... I speak to a lot of people, but my primary consultant is myself, and I have a good instinct for this stuff...I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and I’ve said a lot of things”
As you focus on the future direction of the SOA and the profession, explain your approach to setting the direction for both especially in the global arena.It's simple. I'm going to Make Actuaries Great Again (#makeactuariesgreatagain).
“We will have so much winning if I get elected that you may get bored with winning.”
Volunteer and Governance Experience
Describe your previous volunteer and governance experiences, and explain how they relate to the contributions you can make to the SOA board and organization.I have my own foundation. I'll let it speak for itself.
“You know I think I’m a very nice person. I help people. I love to help people..."
Professional Background
Provide a brief description of your professional background and the type of work you currently do.
"I'm a bit of a P. T. Barnum. I make stars out of everyone."
"I've become very successful over the years. I think I own among the greatest properties in the world."
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