What happens with actuaries when the lights go out? Between the Spreadsheets exposes the hidden secrets of the actuarial profession through satirical articles and thought provoking pieces. Ideas expressed in this blog are my own. They do not represent any company or organization.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Awkward Moments Saturate Actuarial Conference
The sun rises. Hundreds of actuaries congregate outside the conference rooms at the resort-hotel, rummaging through stale pastries, fruit that hadn't fully ripened, and fresh brewed coffee.
They try networking. Their efforts are motivated more by obligation, proximity to other actuaries and social norms than strong desires to interact with other human beings.
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Not Actually an Actuary Designation Debated

Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Gorgeous but Confused Actuaries Join Modeling Section
The Society of Actuaries has unveiled their 20th special interest section. Modeling joins the ranks of Futurism, Long Term Care, and Small Companies.
However, initial participation isn't quite what the founders expected. The target members are the software wizards that get tingly when they hear phrases like "run time" and "parallel processing." They are the type of people who have had their heads in clouds for a while and brag about the size of their data. But this isn't who has joined so far.
Sunday, June 22, 2014
New Clipped Art - Actuarial Fortune Cookies
First there were actuarial horoscopes.
Now there are actuarial fortune cookies. Grab your leftover takeout and crack one of these bad boys open.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Actuarial Recruiter Convinces Actuary He's a Perfect Match for MidAtlantic Client Seeking FSA
"She told me I was special," explains a recently relocated actuary. He's talking about a recruiter, someone he's never met. But, "she had a sweet voice and giggled a lot."
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Monty Python and the Holy Grail - Insurance Propaganda?
Fans of the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail may celebrate its macabre humor and quixotic antics, but an exclusive Between The Spreadsheets investigation indicates that behind the comedic blundering lurks a campaign for several lines of insurance.
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