Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Gorgeous but Confused Actuaries Join Modeling Section

The Society of Actuaries has unveiled their 20th special interest section. Modeling joins the ranks of Futurism, Long Term Care, and Small Companies.

However, initial participation isn't quite what the founders expected. The target members are the software wizards that get tingly when they hear phrases like "run time" and "parallel processing." They are the type of people who have had their heads in clouds for a while and  brag about the size of their data. But this isn't who has joined so far.

The models are running

Things got interesting when the first membership dues arrived with 8 x 11 portfolios of actuaries in swimsuits, actuaries not wearing any clothes, or actuaries striking curious poses in office spaces. There were questions about code but it was about what the dress code was. They also talked about gigs, though not in terms of memory but photo shoots. And as seen in the above photo, running models is totally misinterpreted.

This has been an important lesson for the SOA as they consider future committees and sections and as a result they have postponed the debut of the naked options group indefinitely.

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