Contrary to popular stereotypes, actuaries are not emotionless robots. That’s the domain of tax collectors.
Here’s a listing of some feelings/personality traits that actuaries have.
- Valuation actuaries are reserved
- Cash flow testing actuaries have several sensitivities, and are sometimes shocking.
- Pricing actuaries are marginal.
- ALM actuaries will feel balanced on most days.
- Annuity actuaries are a mixed bunch, some are rather stoic with fixed feelings while others can be quite variable.
- P&C actuaries are rather protective.
- Pension actuaries are eager to make contributions.
- Life actuaries can be selective, ultimately.
- Health actuaries are highly adjustable.
- Disability and Long Term Care actuaries are morbid.
- Investment actuaries are interesting, but hedging actuaries can be exotic.
- Reinsurance actuaries share everything.
- Experience study actuaries are occasionally incredulous.
- Regulatory actuaries are very formal.
- Governance actuaries are controlled.
- Academic actuaries are collegial.
- Retired actuaries, if all went to plan, will be untaxed.
- Chief Actuaries get bored of directors.
- An Appointed Actuary is opinionated.
- Finally, actuarial students are testy. These are fragile creatures, often on the brink of mental breakdowns, so please treat them with a lot of love and care!